TEMA Table Events

TEMA Table - San Antonio and South Texas Area

About the Event

Come sit at the table with us for our first TEMA Table in the San Antonio area. 

Event at Alamo Area Council of Governments - March 6, 2025. 

With a focus on developing relationships, this 1 day event will include educational workshops and meet & greet time to learn more about energy efficiency and sustainability options within public entities. 

We are excited to offer this regional TEMA Table in San Antonio to members and potential members in the South Texas area.

Participants receive 5 PDH credits.


Alamo Area Council of Governments

Board Room

2700 NE Loop 410, Suite 101

San Antonio, TX 78217



for public entities only      

Main Event Sponsor

Engagement Sponsor

Educational Partner

Round Table Sponsor(s)

Schedule of Events

All educational sessions will be offered at AACOG Board Room.

This schedule is subject to change.

7:45 - 8:15 - registration / check-in

8:15 - 8:30 - introductions

8:30 - 9:45 - TEMA Workshop - Policy Development

9:45 - 10:00 - round table discussions

10:00 - 10:45 - Educational Breakout - Considerations for Energy Master Planning, Brandon Tunnell - Energia

Energy master planning is a valuable and important tool for school districts because it provides a comprehensive, long-term strategy for managing energy use, reducing costs, and improving sustainability.

For a school district, having a well-developed energy master plan helps identify opportunities for energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy integration, and cost-saving measures across the district’s buildings and operations. It also ensures that energy goals align with broader district objectives, such as the facility master plan.

Additionally, an energy master plan allows for informed decision-making about infrastructure upgrades, grants, and financing options, ultimately helping to optimize resources and create a healthier, more energy-efficient learning environment for students and staff. By planning ahead, districts can avoid costly, reactive measures and instead implement a proactive, data-driven approach to energy management.

10:45 - 11:00 - round table discussions

11:00 - 12:15 - TEMA Workshop - Energy Committee Engagement

12:15 - 1:00 - lunch / networking break

1:00 - 1:45 - Educational Breakout - Energy Efficiency and Rebates, Shannon Mills, BLCCS

1:45 - 2:15 - round table discussions

2:15 - 3:00 - Educational Breakout

3:00 - 4:00 - TEMA Workshop - Tying it All Together

4:00 - 4:30 - closing

Registration Options

Individual Registrations

Public Entity Registration - $50.00 - SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION

Corporate Registration - $150.00

Event Sponsorships

Main Event Sponsor - $2,250.00

This sponsorship includes recognition as a main event sponsor, the option to host up to two (2) round tables throughout the event, opportunity to present an educational breakout session, and four (4) event registrations. Also included is marketing and logo placement on print and website materials for the event.

Lunch Sponsor - $1,750.00

This sponsorship includes the provision of lunch for all participants, recognition as the lunch sponsor, the option to host one (1) round table throughout the event, opportunity to present an educational breakout session, and two (2) event registrations. Also included is marketing and logo placement on print and website materials for the event.

Snack/Coffee Sponsor - $1,000.00

This sponsorship includes the provision of snacks and coffee service for all participants, recognition as the snack/coffee sponsor, the option to host one (1) round table throughout the event, and one (1) event registration. Also included is marketing and logo placement on print and website materials for the event.

Engagement Sponsor - $750.00

This sponsorship includes the recognition as the game sponsor on all game cards, the option to present door prizes, the option to host one (1) round table throughout the event, and one (1) event registration. Also included is marketing and logo placement on print and website materials for the event.

Round Table Sponsor - $500.00

This sponsorship includes the ability to host one (1) round table throughout the event, and two (2) event registrations. Also included is marketing and logo placement on print and website materials for the event.